Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Eric Lewis
This guy is absolutely amazing. You have never heard nor seen anyone play a piano like this. From "Smells Like Teen Spirit"
to Evanescence's "Going Under"
Did I also mention he's carrying this wonderful sound to the White House for the Obama's next month?
Check out a bio on him here or his homepage. You won't be sorry.
to Evanescence's "Going Under"
Did I also mention he's carrying this wonderful sound to the White House for the Obama's next month?
Check out a bio on him here or his homepage. You won't be sorry.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
New Blog!!
I've started a new blog called Preternatural Reviews. I'll be reviewing everything from books to comics to movies and TV. Please drop by and tell me what you think or what you believe I should be reviewing. The email's still sunandheir at
Let me know what you think. Thanks.
Let me know what you think. Thanks.
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Friday, March 6, 2009
Poison Ivy

Women I Love to Love
Pamela Lillian Isley first appeared in Batman #181 in 1966. Like Athena she appeared fully formed and without a back story. Showing up in basically a leafy swimsuit, tights(character design by Shelly Moldoff) and very little story she failed to catch on first go around.
Unable to capture the public's imagination in #181 Poison Ivy was shelved (if you don't count Siren played by Joan Collins on The Batman TV show) until feminism began to saturate the public and the need for more independent, beholding to no man, women were needed. Be they superhero or villain. Especially since Catwoman was becoming more and more sympathetic to readers and less a villain. On her reintroduction she appeared in Batman Comics and Suicide Squad. With all these manifestations a true origin was needed for Ivy.

Another nifty ability she uses is being able to release plant pheremones to control men or women and making them fall madly in love with her. One of her favourite powers is releasing either toxins or pheremones through her kisses.

The most recent change to her character was during Batman: Cataclysm storyline where Ivy took care of some children, recently orphaned during the earthquake that nearly leveled Gotham City. She began to believe that her powers and the poisons she gave off were sickening and killing some of the children in her charge. For this reason she convinced Batman to take her powers away and make her only human again. Later convinced by the villain Hush to retake the serum to reaquire her powers the process apparently killed her. When her grave was visited it was covered in ivy and vines making her 'death' short lived.
She returned in Gotham Central #32 to murder some of the cops she reckoned killed one of her orphans.
Poison Ivy is one of my favourite Batman villains because she believes what she's doing is right. Not like some of the mustache twirlers who just do evil for evil's sake and wish to take over the world. Her next main appearance is during Battle for the Cowl in Gotham City Sirens, co-starring Catwoman and Harley Quinn. I really dig Dini's take on all these characters and I reckon it's going to be the best out of the bunch along with Detective Comics starring Batwoman. So, fingers crossed that it's as good as I hope.
Below are some of my favourite Poison Ivy pics. Please click to embiggen.

Harley Quinn,
Pamela Isley,
Poison Ivy,
Women I Love to Love
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Final Cut of X-Men Origins: Wolverine Trailer
So, what do you get when you already have one full fledged proto-trailer and three baby protos? A 2:29 trailer with just under 16 (?) seconds on new footage. Ryan Reynolds as Wade Wilson/Deadpool is still unmarred (Dammit!). Taylor Kitsch as Remy LeBeau/Gambit showing his pimpaliscious (really? The Firefox spell check is going to let pimpaliscious fly, but not Deadpool?) silk, purple shirt. A teenage Scott Summers damaging school property. Liev Schreiber still looking as the best thing in this movie as Victor Creed/Sabretooth. Also possible appearance of mystery mutant Weapon XI. As well as Logan asking the question that he didn't ask in the original X-Men movie, "Wow, Vic. How'd you grow another foot in the 15 years since we last saw each other?" No, that's a lie, but I really wish it would.
Hugh Jackman,
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
I Won! I Won!!
Thought you got rid of me, huh? Thought planet earth finally had enough and spun me right off? Nope. My darling son infected me with daycare-itis. Meaning I got a temperature of 101.7 and a hideous stomach flu for 5 days. Good times, good times. Okay, a lot of bathroom times, but still...
Awarded Bits
I won an award!
No, really.
Stop laughing.
I can wait...
Is it out of your system yet? Good. Now, the lovely Becca at No Smoking in the Skull Cave gave me a Dardos Award. Becca said that the best part of this award was that you get to pass it on....ummmm no. Best part? I won an award!!! Second best is the paying it forward.
The Dardos Award is described as thus: An award given for recognition of cultural, ethical, literary, and personal values transmitted in the form of creative and original writing. These stamps were created with the intention of promoting fraternization between bloggers, a way of showing affection and gratitude for work that adds value to the Web.
Now here are the rules:
1) Accept the award by posting it on your blog along with the name of the person that has granted the award and a link to his/her blog.
2) Pass the award to another five blogs that are worthy of this acknowledgment, remembering to contact each of them to let them know they have been selected for this award.
Easy, yeah? Some of these people may have won this before, I don't know. I do know that they're five of the personally done blogs that appear in my feed reader that I read daily without fail. Here they are, in no particular order:
Rich is a helluva nice guy and his blog is a geek goldmine. Doing everything from comics (funny that, what with the name and all), to toys, to movies, to TV (his Lost posts are especially entertaining.)

SamuraiFrog is just someone who does his blog to entertain himself. If others happen to be entertained as well? Bonus. His political rants are epic.

Darius Whiteplume does a fabulous shrine to the female form. What's really nice is that it goes through the ages, and Pam Grier week is coming up!

Rokk Krinn and his fellow contributors do some of the most in-depth and wonderful weekly comic reviews out there. I never miss it and always wait until I've read what he's reviewing. I may not always agree, but he always backs up his points.

Dr Zaius knows that apes can do it better, and continues to show us how in his blog. This is a can do a political cartoon capable of making you shoot your morning coffee out of your nose at supersonic speeds.
Once again, Cheers, Becca. Make sure and check out hers and all the other people's blogs I've mentioned. Thanks.
Awarded Bits

No, really.
Stop laughing.
I can wait...
Is it out of your system yet? Good. Now, the lovely Becca at No Smoking in the Skull Cave gave me a Dardos Award. Becca said that the best part of this award was that you get to pass it on....ummmm no. Best part? I won an award!!! Second best is the paying it forward.
The Dardos Award is described as thus: An award given for recognition of cultural, ethical, literary, and personal values transmitted in the form of creative and original writing. These stamps were created with the intention of promoting fraternization between bloggers, a way of showing affection and gratitude for work that adds value to the Web.
Now here are the rules:
1) Accept the award by posting it on your blog along with the name of the person that has granted the award and a link to his/her blog.
2) Pass the award to another five blogs that are worthy of this acknowledgment, remembering to contact each of them to let them know they have been selected for this award.
Easy, yeah? Some of these people may have won this before, I don't know. I do know that they're five of the personally done blogs that appear in my feed reader that I read daily without fail. Here they are, in no particular order:

SamuraiFrog is just someone who does his blog to entertain himself. If others happen to be entertained as well? Bonus. His political rants are epic.

Darius Whiteplume does a fabulous shrine to the female form. What's really nice is that it goes through the ages, and Pam Grier week is coming up!

Rokk Krinn and his fellow contributors do some of the most in-depth and wonderful weekly comic reviews out there. I never miss it and always wait until I've read what he's reviewing. I may not always agree, but he always backs up his points.

Dr Zaius knows that apes can do it better, and continues to show us how in his blog. This is a can do a political cartoon capable of making you shoot your morning coffee out of your nose at supersonic speeds.
Once again, Cheers, Becca. Make sure and check out hers and all the other people's blogs I've mentioned. Thanks.
Monday, February 23, 2009
A Better Blog Game...
My fake band/album cover. via Adventures in Nerdliness:

- Go to "wikipedia." Hit “random” or click The first random wikipedia article you get is the name of your band.
- Go to "Random quotations" or click
The last four or five words of the very last quote of the page is the title of your first album. - Go to flickr and click on “explore the last seven days” or click Third picture, no matter what it is, will be your album cover.
- Use photoshop or similar to put it all together.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Terry Pratchett Receives OBE Becoming Sir Terry Pratchett
Author of 27 novels on his Discworld series (over 55 million books worldwide in 33 the different languages), Terry Pratchett has received the Order of the British Empire becoming Sir Terry Pratchett.

In 2007 Sir Terry was diagnosed with early-onset Alzheimer's disease and has since campaigned to raise awareness of the condition. Here's a short video with Sir Terry:
And here's his Discworld books with links if you never had the pleasure of checking them out. One of the few authors who make laugh out loud funny books. Well worth your time.

In 2007 Sir Terry was diagnosed with early-onset Alzheimer's disease and has since campaigned to raise awareness of the condition. Here's a short video with Sir Terry:
And here's his Discworld books with links if you never had the pleasure of checking them out. One of the few authors who make laugh out loud funny books. Well worth your time.
Your Favourite Movies (and other things) Backwards
This is an ongoing thread on If you watched movies backwards, how would they seem? Here's five of my favourites, but there's heaps more. Check 'em out.
"If you watch Heroes backwards you realise that it's been getting progressively better over time."
"If you watch the original Superman backwards, Superman was kind of dick."
"If you watch the entire series backwards, George Lucas develops into a brilliant writer."
"If you watch Fight Club backwards, it's about a terrorist schizophrenic getting his life back together and going to rehab"
"If you play Super Mario Bros backwards, you'll find that Mario is a true philanthropist and animal lover, throwing coins into the air and saving turtles. And he leaves that bitch the princess right at the beginning."
"If you watch Heroes backwards you realise that it's been getting progressively better over time."
"If you watch the original Superman backwards, Superman was kind of dick."
"If you watch the entire series backwards, George Lucas develops into a brilliant writer."
"If you watch Fight Club backwards, it's about a terrorist schizophrenic getting his life back together and going to rehab"
"If you play Super Mario Bros backwards, you'll find that Mario is a true philanthropist and animal lover, throwing coins into the air and saving turtles. And he leaves that bitch the princess right at the beginning."
Friday, February 20, 2009
Dr Who and Star Wars Imperial March on Tesla Coils
Okay, I haven't a clue who ArcAttack is or what Chattacon 2009 is (Is it held in Chatanooga? Do people just Twitter back and forth whilst there foregoing speaking? Who knows...) but anyone who plays music to the accompanyment of Telsa Coils is okay in my geek book. Just to kick it up a few extra notches on the Geek/Nerd scale he chose the Star Wars Imperial March and the Dr Who Theme.
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