Happy Blogroll Amnesty Day
Adventures in Nerdliness
Blue Gal
Boing Boing
Cap'n Dyke, Pirate Queen
Catch Up Lady
Chris's Invincible Super-Blog
Comics All Too Real
Comics Should Be Good!
Culture kills... wait, I mean cutlery
Electronic Cerebrectomy
Filling the Well - Carrie Vaughn
Geek Orthodox
Great White Snark
Has Boobs, Reads Comics
I Can Has Cheez Burger?
Jackie Kessler - Cat and Muse
Neil Gaiman
No Smoking in the Skull Cave
Occasional Superheroine
Planet Gallifrey
Robot 6
Rokk's Comic Book Revolution
Shakespeare's Sister
Sidhe Vicious Reviews
Superpowers That Be
The Ben Templesmith Blog Thing.
The Fabulous Lorraine and Fiends
The Huffington Post
Topless Robot
Warren Ellis
You Thought We Wouldn't Notice
Zaius Nation - Some apes are more equal than others
Zendulo's Vlog
Alright, here's what it is, as I understand it: (From who I discovered it from, Dr. Zaius from Zaius Nation) I first learned about this blogosphere holiday through the blog of the fabulous Blue Gal. You can read the frightening details of this event at the fantastic blog of the holiday's creator, Jon Swift, and also at the blog of the other leading event co-conspirator, the equally awesome Skippy the Bush Kangaroo.
Blue Gal suggests that we should post the link to a few of our favorite blogs, and post them so that others can read about them, become aware of them - and finally blogroll these newer and most recently discovered blogs.
Based on Blue Gal's expressed wishes, I have thus gone through a lengthy winnowing process of my own blogroll to find the very best blogs, and I present the following blogs for your consideration as part of the Blogroll Amnesty celebrations.
Blue Gal suggests that we should post the link to a few of our favorite blogs, and post them so that others can read about them, become aware of them - and finally blogroll these newer and most recently discovered blogs.
Based on Blue Gal's expressed wishes, I have thus gone through a lengthy winnowing process of my own blogroll to find the very best blogs, and I present the following blogs for your consideration as part of the Blogroll Amnesty celebrations.
Adventures in Nerdliness
Blue Gal
Boing Boing
Cap'n Dyke, Pirate Queen
Catch Up Lady
Chris's Invincible Super-Blog
Comics All Too Real
Comics Should Be Good!
Culture kills... wait, I mean cutlery
Electronic Cerebrectomy
Filling the Well - Carrie Vaughn
Geek Orthodox
Great White Snark
Has Boobs, Reads Comics
I Can Has Cheez Burger?
Jackie Kessler - Cat and Muse
Neil Gaiman
No Smoking in the Skull Cave
Occasional Superheroine
Planet Gallifrey
Robot 6
Rokk's Comic Book Revolution
Shakespeare's Sister
Sidhe Vicious Reviews
Superpowers That Be
The Ben Templesmith Blog Thing.
The Fabulous Lorraine and Fiends
The Huffington Post
Topless Robot
Warren Ellis
You Thought We Wouldn't Notice
Zaius Nation - Some apes are more equal than others
Zendulo's Vlog
I got your message this morning - My deepest apologies. I thought you were on my blogroll! That is now fixed. I can't add you to today's Blogroll Amnesty Day post without redoing a huge table, however. :o( I promise that you will be in next year's Blogroll Amnesty Day post!
No worries, my simian friend. Thanks again for the post.
I'm flattered that you mentioned my blog. Thanks! :)
I've never heard of Blogroll Amnesty Day. Cool concept.
@ SD: I'd never heard of it either, Dr Z hooked me up. I liked the idea :) Haven't I told you that you're my favourite non-Bitten by Books reviewer?
Oh, I am so behind on updating not only my blogroll, but my sidebar in general. Thanks for the reminder.
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