Movie Bits
Well, four new Watchmen clips have hit the interwebs this week (along with three new Wolverine trailers) confirming my thoughts that we will be able to see at least 20 minutes of the most popular movies on the webs before the come out in theatres. Legally I mean, heh. True, it'll be one minute at a time, but what do you want for free? I really cannot wait for the 6th of March to get here. My sister's even taking off of work early to go see it with me.
Anyways, here's "Warning You First," when Dan comes to Adrian to tell him about Rorschach's theories:
Then, there's, "Attention Citizens," In which the Comedian is about to kick some ass jumping from Nite Owl II's ship in the 70's. With the incredibly bitchin' KC and the Sunshine Band's, "I'm Your Boogeyman," playing in the background. Which says quite a bit about the Comedian.
Next we have "Rescue," with the Silk Spectre II and Nite Owl II attempting to rescue some people from a tentament fire. Along with Zack Synder's trademarked slow-mo's.
Lastly there's "A Good Friend," which features Rorshach and Dan (Nite Owl II) having a difference of opinion in Dan's basement.
Yeah, sure it's a direct DVD, but it's still a movie I really want to see. It's the new animated Wonder Woman movie, and it comes to your favourite store March 3rd. I Love me some Wonder Woman. From her early bondage happy beginnings, to her Mod phase, to her rightful spot as one of DC Comics, "Big Three."
Cool Bits
Okay, this lil girl is just cool as hell. She looks somewhere in the range of 15-18, but she can play the hell outta the violin. Rocking out in her room to a Black Eyed Peas song I don't even like. Give it a watch...I know you'll be impressed. (Cheers to Calvin's Canadian Cave of Cool for unearthing this gem.)
From comes, "The Uncler." Every wonder how different Micky (terribly sorry you lost your chihuahua, Loki, Mickey.) Rourke's movie The Wrestler would have been starring Uncle Sam? With all of the beatings America's taken in the past 8 years (economy, Gitmo, ect) Uncle Sam is down, but he isn't out. Take a watch, co-starring Alyssa Milano as Uncle Sam's stripper girlfriend.
TV Bits (or Catch-Up on BSG)
This was at Spoiler TV my favourite place for TV previews and gossip. It has a brief synopsis of Battlestar Galactica up to this point and an interview with Kate Vernon on her playing the 5th and final cylon. I've loved Kate Vernon since I first saw her on The Kindred. The so-so version of White Wolf Pub. Vampire: The Masquerade.
Here's Tricia Helfer on The Jimmy Kimmel Show. I realise she's Carla now on Burn Notice, but she'll always be Caprica 6 in my heart. The character is just so erotic and alluring for me. Even knowing she may kill you at any moment.
Just in case you missed Tricia in Playboy a few years ago, here she is in a few shots:

Weird Bits
So, werewolf's are among us, right? I mean Kelley Armstrong, Patricia Briggs, or Carrie Vaughn could tell us this, but have you ever wanted to see one of their young? Found on Boing Boing is the Infant Lycanthrope Dissection Kit. "Alex CF, a creator of "zoological sculpture" made this infant lycanthrope dissection kit on a commission for a Swiss magician."

Also on Boing Boing, and I gotta get me one of these since I've had 25+ of them on my knees. "Becky Stern says: I'm using the image data from my knee MRI to embroider pictures. I've just finished the first of many." I'm sure there's enough knee people out there by this moment in time that they'd have no problem knowing what it was.

Funny Bits
I apologise if your humour doesn't sync with mine, but I laughed at this. From the same people who sang, "Hold Me Closer Tony Danza," is, "Obama's Elf."
Cool Bits
Okay, this lil girl is just cool as hell. She looks somewhere in the range of 15-18, but she can play the hell outta the violin. Rocking out in her room to a Black Eyed Peas song I don't even like. Give it a watch...I know you'll be impressed. (Cheers to Calvin's Canadian Cave of Cool for unearthing this gem.)
From comes, "The Uncler." Every wonder how different Micky (terribly sorry you lost your chihuahua, Loki, Mickey.) Rourke's movie The Wrestler would have been starring Uncle Sam? With all of the beatings America's taken in the past 8 years (economy, Gitmo, ect) Uncle Sam is down, but he isn't out. Take a watch, co-starring Alyssa Milano as Uncle Sam's stripper girlfriend.
TV Bits (or Catch-Up on BSG)
This was at Spoiler TV my favourite place for TV previews and gossip. It has a brief synopsis of Battlestar Galactica up to this point and an interview with Kate Vernon on her playing the 5th and final cylon. I've loved Kate Vernon since I first saw her on The Kindred. The so-so version of White Wolf Pub. Vampire: The Masquerade.
Here's Tricia Helfer on The Jimmy Kimmel Show. I realise she's Carla now on Burn Notice, but she'll always be Caprica 6 in my heart. The character is just so erotic and alluring for me. Even knowing she may kill you at any moment.
Just in case you missed Tricia in Playboy a few years ago, here she is in a few shots:

Weird Bits
So, werewolf's are among us, right? I mean Kelley Armstrong, Patricia Briggs, or Carrie Vaughn could tell us this, but have you ever wanted to see one of their young? Found on Boing Boing is the Infant Lycanthrope Dissection Kit. "Alex CF, a creator of "zoological sculpture" made this infant lycanthrope dissection kit on a commission for a Swiss magician."

Also on Boing Boing, and I gotta get me one of these since I've had 25+ of them on my knees. "Becky Stern says: I'm using the image data from my knee MRI to embroider pictures. I've just finished the first of many." I'm sure there's enough knee people out there by this moment in time that they'd have no problem knowing what it was.

Funny Bits
I apologise if your humour doesn't sync with mine, but I laughed at this. From the same people who sang, "Hold Me Closer Tony Danza," is, "Obama's Elf."
I feel a bit alone, as I am not really interested in The Watchmen. No idea why. I never read it. The characters just don't seem to do anything for me. Not dis'ing it, just expressing my ignorance :-)
Part of it is likely all the excitement. I just can't get into things that are blown up before or after they are released... Disappointment lurks everywhere!
I guess I'm just the right age, I dunno. I was 12 when it came out and it stamped my childhood pretty damn hard.
Plus, how many Zach Synder movies have you seen that weren't worth your time? Look at it that way.
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